Friday, December 6, 2019

The Responsibility Of The HR Team Of An Organization †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Responsibility Of The HR Team Of An Organization. Answer: Introduction Human Resource management is one of the most essential departments in an organization and it paves way for creating an efficient workforce for the organization (Cascio 2018). The responsibility on the HRM team is huge and the line manager has to look towards the entire process of the HRM team and formulate the steps that will be followed (Alfes et al. 2013). In case of a dearth of employees, if new ones are taken in then it is mandatory that the entire process is systematic and with a routine. The chosen organization for the report is Author Abode (imaginary), which is an organization for writers and the report will present the recruitment process it uses for the organization. It is an organization that deals with clients who order for essays on various topics to the company and the essays are both academic and creative in nature. Discussion Recruitment and Selection The company posts advertisements on the online space and when CVs are submitted, they are evaluated and then the selected candidates are contacted. The job advertisements are also given out to the various employment agents or consultants and candidates apply from such sources. The selected candidates are called up to the office premise for an interview and writing tests in order to understand the writing skills they have. As it is a writers agency, the most emphasis is given on the writing skills of the candidates and the grasp they show over the grammatical aspects of the language. The interview is taken after the candidates pass the written test and in the interviewer then assesses the candidate based on how the individual answers during the interview. The recruitment is done after this stage is complete and candidates are taken into service by a selection call that goes from the company to the candidate in the next 48 hours (Berman et al. 2012). Induction The induction is a process that is an essential part of the entire HRM system that is prevalent in an organization. The process is actually a presentation session that is taken up with the new recruitments on their first day of work. This presentation session briefs the new comers about the company and the history of the organization (Le 2015). The organizational chain is explained to them and the hierarchies of the posts in the office are explained to them. The newcomers are introduced with the managers in the organization and they are informed of the various policies that are prevalent in the organization. Human resource managers are responsible for the redundancies, grievance issues, disciplinary issues, compliance, employment law, industrial relations, benefits, compensation, career development, training, recruitment. The main job of a human resource manager is to stay up to date with the recent changes in the employment law and the latest employment trends (Bratton and Gold 2017 ). Training The new candidates who are appointed are provided a training week so that they can understand the work which they will be dealing with once they complete the training process (Keep 2014). The training is very essential as it ensures that the newcomers are efficient in their work and know all the basics of the tasks that will be allocated to them. Author Abode is an agency of writers and they work on writing essays for various clients. The essays have selective structure and format and hence the training process teaches the newcomers about the various formats and styles that are used in the company. The training ensures that once the new recruitments start handling clients on their own, they deliver the best of the solutions to them so that the company retains the good reputation it has in the existing market (Ford 2014). Posts involved For the entire selection and recruitment process to take place, it is essential that specific duties are assigned to some of the employees in the organization. The HRM team is provided with added responsibilities and the task is divided between them. The breakdown of the posts involved in the entire process are provided below- Human Resource manager The most important and active role has to be played by the HR manager of the organization and the individual has to be very effective in bringing in new talents that will incur profits to the organization in the future. The HR manager is the individual who is responsible for posting the advertisements online and making up the calls following the CVs that are submitted on for the job. Each of the CV that has been submitted needs to be evaluated and then the selection process shall start after a concrete list of individuals are made whose CVs are deemed suitable for the job. There are one or more HR managers in an organization; it is based on the size and scale of the operations of the organization. Author Abode has 3 HR managers in working and each of them has a different role to play in the entire recruitment process. While the head of HR deals with process that follow the selection stage. The other two of the managers are assigned with the duty to select the candidates and take thei r written tests before the interview. The head of HR is the person who takes the final round of interview after the candidates clear the written test. The head HR questions them and checks the confidence and knowledge depth of those candidates before finally appointing some of the bests in the organization among the others. The head of HR is also the one who is responsible for taking the induction session with the newcomers and make them aware of the various rules and regulation of the company. The complete description of the work process and official part of the work is explained to them by the HR in the induction process (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). Trainer The trainer is assigned with the most responsible duty of making the new recruits aware of the entire work style and process of the job they had applied for and were selected to do. The trainer is an experienced part of the company and it is the duty of the individual to make sure that each of the newcomers is trained in accordance to the work pattern that is being followed in the organization (Sung and Choi 2014). Author abode is an organization that offers writing services to its clients and hence the trainer has the added responsibility of making the new comers aware of the quality of work which they are expected to deliver. The trainer helps the candidates to work on various assignments and makes sure that they get acquainted with the work and learn from the mistakes which they will be doing in the initial days (Jeffcoat and Kelly 2014). Conclusion The responsibility of the HR team of an organization is enormous and the line manager is responsible for creating the action plan of the team. The works of both of them have to be well aligned in order to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. The people who are recruited have to be of some quality and this has to be kept in check by the HR managers who are endowed with the responsibility. Ultimately it is the production of the organization that will reach out to the market and hence the people who will be appointed for the purpose should actually be productive and bring in the best of resources into the company. The success of a company largely rests upon the kind of human resource strategy they use and the progress they make in recruiting the best from the rest. References Alfes, K., Truss, C., Soane, E.C., Rees, C. and Gatenby, M., 2013. The relationship between line manager behavior, perceived HRM practices, and individual performance: Examining the mediating role of engagement.Human resource management,52(6), pp.839-859. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Berman, E.M., Bowman, J.S., West, J.P. and Van Wart, M.R., 2012. Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage. Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave. Cascio, W., 2018.Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education. Ford, J.K., 2014. Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press. Jeffcoat, H. and Kelly, K., 2014. Training the trainer. 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